It's hard to do what's right at times when you are around the wrong type of people or if you are in a another place in your mind. Don't get me wrong here, you can't blame other people for your actions. I just know how easy some people can be influenced. As a Christian I know how hard it is to make new friends that are trying to live the same lifestyle as you are intending to live. Some people begin to backslide and do things they don't really want to do, they are just trying to make "friends". If you have to be someone else or do things that you shouldn't be doing in order to make a friend, that friend is not the friend for you. You are sinning in order to make a friend, why? If you love Jesus and want to do what is right it's best to pray and ask for the right people to be in front of you and the right people will come to you and you will be able to become friends with them as yourself. People sin all the time of course, none of us are perfect, we never will be, of course. Jesus died for our sins, He knew we would sin! How about not sinning on purpose? So, when you sin, what are you supposed to do? Repent. Only repent if you are actually sorry and it's coming from your heart. Don't repent and then do the same thing 20 minutes later. How about thinking before we speak or act?
Jesus said,
Matthew 5:6 KJV
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:8 KJV
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Best Site For Changing helps uplift and speak about real things we go through in our everyday life. We talk about different challenges we go through and what we can do to make the best changes in our lives that we need to make. Learn different bible verses that can help you when you are feeling discouraged. Come share how you have found Christ and your input on how you are changing. Don't forget to follow me to get updates or subscribe by email.
Monday, 28 September 2015
Thursday, 24 September 2015
I Give It All To You Lord
I give all my worries to the Lord. I realize that I can't do everything. I can't fix everything, nobody can, only the Lord can do all things that seem impossible to us. So many times I have gotten all stressed out and have always tried to fix things just so I can feel better. Friends would tell me their problems and I would feel the urge to fix their problems, well, try to fix their problems. That alone will drive you nuts! It isn't for us to fix. We can not change anybody but ourselves if we really want to and we can not fix everything that is wrong. The most important thing for us to do is to pray for people and ourselves. We have to leave it to God. We have to let things go and allow the Lord to do what He does for us. He wants to help us but we have to let Him help us. Give all your worries to the Lord and things will start going better for you.
Proverbs 3:5 (NLT) Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Psalms 28:7 (NLT) The lord is my strength and shield.
Proverbs 3:5 (NLT) Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Psalms 28:7 (NLT) The lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Best Site For Changing: Overcoming Stress
Best Site For Changing: Overcoming Stress: Sometimes things can become very overwhelming and stressful as you are just starting out trying new things or perhaps you are stressed out ...
Overcoming Stress
Sometimes things can become very overwhelming and stressful as you are just starting out trying new things or perhaps you are stressed out because you have a lot on your plate. On this page you will find some very helpful bible verses to overcoming stress. Do not give up on yourself or anybody, do not listen to people that aren't going to be supportive in what you want to create or accomplish, not everybody understands or believes in the same things you may be believing in.
If you work hard at what you are trying to accomplish and are honest about it God will see how hard you are working and it will pay off. If you are doing the right thing that isn't just going to benefit you then you will be fine. Truthfully when we do choose to do the right things, we won't have to chase our blessings, our blessings will chase us! Nobody is perfect of course but, we have to make attempts at doing the right things. Do not do the wrong things on purpose! If we are putting God first in our life, He will add everything we need and desire. Jesus tell us this:
Read Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Deuteronomy 28:15-19 (NLT)
“But if you refuse to listen to the lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overwhelm you: 16 Your towns and your fields will be cursed. 17 Your fruit baskets and breadboards will be cursed. 18 Your children and your crops will be cursed. The offspring of your herds and flocks will be cursed. 19 Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be cursed.
If you follow God, you will reap good things. If you go against God, you will reap bad things. If you want to overcome stress you have to learn to trust in God more than what you currently do. Remember that He is there to help us through all of our decisions.
Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Another great thing to help you relieve stress is to listen to different sounds. I do this once in awhile while laying on the couch or my bed. It really helps my mind stop for awhile. Read all questions below and if you answer yes to any of them I strongly suggest that you try THIS SOOTHING SOUNDS COURSE!
- Are you suffering from work stress or anxiety?
- Do you feel emotionally burnt-out or overwhelmed?
- Do you have caregiver stress?
- Do you find it difficult to “switch off” and relax?
- Do you suffer from mood swings?
- Are you looking for simple stress management techniques?
- Do you feel unable to deal with new challenges or situations?
- Do you have trouble sleeping?
- Are you a student struggling with exam stress and anxiety?
- Do you have sudden panic attacks?
- Are you a struggling with parenting stress, and need practical techniques to help you deal with it effectively?
- Do you have relationship stress and need a way to relieve your tensions?
- Have you tried to tackle your stress before, but failed to keep it under control?
- Do you suffer with depression?
- Do you have post-traumatic stress disorder?
- Do you have a problem managing your anger issues?
- Have you developed negative stress habits and want to conquer stress positively?
- Are you looking for different ways to learn how to improve your mental wellness?
When you purchase this course you will learn:
- What sound therapy is, and how it’s being used to control, reduce, and even eliminate stress for millions of people all over the world!
- All the stress-relief techniques and tricks needed to help you relax and remain stress-free, forever...
- How sound therapy can make you less prone to illness and disease, such as heart attacks, cancer and many other health-related problems that can take years off your life...
- How to get a great night’s sleep EVERY NIGHT, and wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and without a care in the world!
- What it REALLY feels like to be more relaxed and care-free than you’ve ever been in your entire life?!
- How music and sound therapy will help you regain control of your mind, and say goodbye to panic attacks, anxiety and insomnia once and for all...
- Why so many of your health problems are caused by stress, and what you need to do to stop “the silent killer” taking hold of you and ruining your life...
- How sound therapy can improve your health and keep illness at bay...
So what are you waiting for? START RELAXING IN AN INSTANT! CLICK HERE!
10 Ways To Think Positive
- Start fixing your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right and pure.
- Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise, rather then the wrong things in your life.
- For every negative thought, try thinking about 5 positive affirmations.
- Motivate others to love by showing them your love for them regardless of how you may feel.
- Do not hang out with people that are going to put you down, discourage you or constantly complain. Pray for these people instead.
- Make sure you are praying as often as you can, not just when you need something. Always thank the Lord for everything you have and speak to Him all of the time. He wants us to talk to Him. He is always with us.
- Be led by the spirit. If you are doing something you are unsure of, chances are maybe it isn't good. Stop what you are doing and repent.
- Do not try to please people, you will always be left unsatisfied if you are always setting out for people's approval and acceptance.
- Speak life, not death. In other words, do not speak negative at all because what you speak is how you will act.
- Watch and listen to only positive things on television and the radio. It is so easy to get bad thoughts in our heads by watching the wrong type of show or movie or even listening to the wrong type of "worldy" media that isn't going to help us at all.
Jesus says:
Matthew 7:24-28 (NLT)
24“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29 for he taught with real authority—quite unlike their teachers of religious law.
5 Important Verses To Remember Not To Worry
- Proverbs 12:25 (NLT) Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.
- Matthew 6:27 (NLT) Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
- 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
- Psalm 37:1 (NLT) Don’t worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong.
- Philippians 4:6 (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Practice these bible verses to help overcome your stress but also add the Soothing Sounds Course as well and I guarantee you will feel so much better within days! GET STARTED NOW!
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Becoming A New Person
Becoming A New Person
When trying to change yourself, you can run into a lot of challenging situations. Not everybody in your inner circle may be happy that you are changing yourself although, you feel that they should and it's a good thing that you are changing. The people that may have a difficult time accepting you changing are probably the people that also have things they need to change but are comfortable with how they are so, they have no desire to change themselves. Change is hard and sometimes scary because it's new to you. You are becoming a new person.
You have to try new things and act in new ways. You may need to start hanging out with people that would be better influence on you which can help you to change for the better. This can also be challenging because you have a mindset that you are not good enough for these people or that you would never hang out with someone like that.Maybe you don't have anything in common with them. Maybe you think they seem "fake" because they are always so chipper and happy when you see them. Chances are, maybe they are actually happy and you just aren't used to being around happy people.
Take things slowly and reach out to different people that you wouldn't normally reach out to. Sometimes if you don't have things in common with a person that's a good thing because perhaps you can teach each other something. When trying to better yourself it's very important to find encouraging people to surround yourself with. It will make you feel good and at the same time be of benefit to them because they most likely enjoy helping people by encouraging them.
You may come across some people that won't really give you the time of day (a chance to get to know them). If you do try reaching out to somebody quite a few times and they don't reach back, it's best to move on and reach out to others and pray for that other person in the meantime. Who knows, they can be going through something. If they think they are too good for you then that's a big problem for them and they will have to work on that spirit sooner or later.
Change is very possible as long as you want to change. Pray, reach out to people and help people along the way and you will begin feeling so great you will be more eager to do more each day! Don't give up, you can do this!
When feeling discouraged remember these verses:
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT)
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Proverbs 18:15 (NLT)
Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Think Of The Positive
It's so hard to think of the positive. Who are your friends? Are they fun to be around? Or do they get on your nerves? Are they complaining every time you speak to them? Be careful of whom you spend your time with because their negative spirit will wear off on you and you will unknowingly bring it everywhere you go. You will become like your friend that is always complaining, down and overly stressed all of the time. It's so easy to fall into that trap when you are spending your time with this type of person all of the time. What does complaining really do for anybody? It only wastes our energy and sometimes we will get stuck in that spot; it will be hard to get out of. Sometimes it will only cause us to start complaining about everything.
Why not take another approach? Distance yourself from that friend, set boundaries to how much you will speak to this person. Pray for them. Pray with them if they are willing. Friends need friends when they are going through things but, a true friend isn't going to sit there and complain the whole time with the person. A good friend should want to try uplifting their friend, helping them smile again. Surround yourself with positive people, friends that encourage you, make you feel so happy when you are around them, friends that are exciting to be around.
Of course we are all human,we will complain once in awhile but we need to think of the positives when we do complain. Example: "The weather is soooo cold today. I hate when it snows....I'm thankful that it's pretty to look at though and our weather can be a lot worse". Start being thankful for things that you don't normally think of being thankful for. Just because you can't see the things that you should be thankful for doesn't mean they aren't there. When you start being thankful for things that you wouldn't normally think of, things will start changing for you. You will begin to complain less if you have this problem. When you are around them people that love to complain, maybe you will be the light in that conversation and say something positive when they are in the dark.
God is #1
Again, I apologize about not being here as consistently as I should had. I really lost my focus when somebody introduced a business opportunity. I saw huge money signs and thought the opportunity would be the answer to all of my problems. I clean homes for a living and it isn't easy, my body aches many times by the time I get home I'm so exhausted I don't want to do anything else. So, like I said when this person showed me this business opportunity I thought this was my answer. I did pray about it but I know I already answered for myself a big YES!
I only tried this for about 47 days and I realize that it takes time to build a business but, my husband and I only spent about $1000, which is a lot of money to us. We worked hard for that $1000! But the way we were introduced to the opportunity is that we were informed that we would get our money back right away. We will get "now" money as they advertised to get us in. So this is what we were looking at. Obviously, with any business you do have to try and make effort and we did. But, still didn't see a dime. I realized as I was trying to build this business, I was beginning to only focus on this. I was constantly thinking of how we can make it work.
I then began to feel wrong about being part of the business, and didn't agree with how they recruit people either using God's name like they are a Christian company. If you are a Christian company I feel that things wouldn't be so expensive for people and maybe at these meetings we are attending we should also be praying and worshiping God, not just talking about the big amounts of money people have made. I hope I don't sound bitter at all. I'm not, I just wanted to share my recent experience and let people know why I wasn't here. I have to trust in God more and stop trying to do everything on my own. Everything that will happen and has happened is on God's time, not mans. Even if somebody tries to tell you that it's God's timing and you shall do something, pray when you are alone and speak to God about the situation. Don't always believe somebody when they are using the Lord's name to get you to do something because remember the devil can be deceiving. If we are putting God #1 in our life, everything will start to fall into place for us.
1 John 4:1 (NIV)
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
I only tried this for about 47 days and I realize that it takes time to build a business but, my husband and I only spent about $1000, which is a lot of money to us. We worked hard for that $1000! But the way we were introduced to the opportunity is that we were informed that we would get our money back right away. We will get "now" money as they advertised to get us in. So this is what we were looking at. Obviously, with any business you do have to try and make effort and we did. But, still didn't see a dime. I realized as I was trying to build this business, I was beginning to only focus on this. I was constantly thinking of how we can make it work.
I then began to feel wrong about being part of the business, and didn't agree with how they recruit people either using God's name like they are a Christian company. If you are a Christian company I feel that things wouldn't be so expensive for people and maybe at these meetings we are attending we should also be praying and worshiping God, not just talking about the big amounts of money people have made. I hope I don't sound bitter at all. I'm not, I just wanted to share my recent experience and let people know why I wasn't here. I have to trust in God more and stop trying to do everything on my own. Everything that will happen and has happened is on God's time, not mans. Even if somebody tries to tell you that it's God's timing and you shall do something, pray when you are alone and speak to God about the situation. Don't always believe somebody when they are using the Lord's name to get you to do something because remember the devil can be deceiving. If we are putting God #1 in our life, everything will start to fall into place for us.
1 John 4:1 (NIV)
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Don't Put All Focus On Money
So many times I start worrying about money and my mind starts going crazy. I would worry about if I'm going to have enough money for this and have enough for that... It wasn't a good feeling. It's not a good feeling when you want to buy something and you know that if you buy this item you may not have enough for another item you may need next week. That's why I wanted to write this post titled "Don't put all your focus on money".
We shouldn't worry about money at all. Yes, I know this is hard at times but God does not want us worrying about anything at all because He will provide. When we are starting a new business, it is simple to start thinking about money all the time. If we are worrying half the time then we won't be able to do much of anything else because our mind won't be in the right spot. When focusing only on money many things can happen with us such as:
- we can't focus on anything else
- we become easily irritated
- we may isolate from others
- we get angry
- we can lose close friends or family
As for myself, I notice when I don't think about money, more money comes my way. I have a small cleaning business. Sometimes it's slow especially when I seem to be worrying about money (now that I think about it). But, like I said when I'm not thinking about next week or money, I make more money. Ironic huh? No, it's God. He is telling me to stop worrying about "worldly" things because money is of the world.
Worrying about things is only wasted energy. It is no good for our health and can cause us to become weary. Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. When you start to worry, start to pray instead. Be thankful for everything that you have and let the Lord know that you are leaving it all to Him because He knows everything. He has a plan and wants us to trust in Him. He is our provider.
Matthew 6:34 (AMPLIFIED)
So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of it's own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.
Philippians 4:6 (AMPLIFIED)
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.
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