Friday, 9 January 2015

Don't Listen To The Devil

A couple of days ago, I was about to leave for work in the morning when my car wouldn't start. I have my own business which requires me to drive in order to get to and from work. I need my car in order to get paid! Well, I was getting very angry on the inside but, had to remind myself that this is a small deal. What would getting angry solve? The devil wants me to be angry, and stay that way. I ended up calling up my client  I had for that day to let them know I wouldn't make it and they were okay with that. My husband was freaking out because we only have one vehicle and I always drive him to work. I was trying to keep him calm. Letting him know that this is temporary. The car was fixed the next morning. I prayed and prayed...Thank you Lord for putting the right people in my life to care enough to fix my car so soon and allowing the problem to be so minor.
So, after this every time I started my car I had that voice in my head that it wasn't going to start. "your car isn't going to start", over and over again but, I knew where that voice was coming from. It was coming from the devil. He wants us to be down, and think negative. God wants us to think positive. What we think, will happen. If we want to think negative all the time then, yes negative things will happen all of the time. If we think positive, positive things will happen. So, don't listen to the devil!

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

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