Who are your friends? Are they fun to be around? Or do they get on your nerves? Are they complaining every time you speak to them? Be careful of whom you spend your time with because their negative spirit will wear off on you and you will unknowingly bring it everywhere you go. You will become like your friend that is always complaining, down and overly stressed all of the time. It's so easy to fall into that trap when you are spending your time with this type of person all of the time. What does complaining really do for anybody? It only wastes our energy and sometimes we will get stuck in that spot; it will be hard to get out of. Sometimes it will only cause us to start complaining about everything. Why not take another approach? Distance yourself from that friend, set boundaries to how much you will speak to this person. Pray for them. Pray with them if they are willing. Friends need friends when they are going through things but, a true friend isn't going to sit there and complain the whole time with the person. A good friend should want to try uplifting their friend, helping them smile again
. Surround yourself with positive people, friends that encourage you, make you feel so happy when you are around them, friends that are exciting to be around.

Of course we are all human,we will complain once in awhile but we need to think of the positives when we do complain.
Example: "The weather is soooo cold today. I hate when it snows....I'm thankful that it's pretty to look at though and our weather can be a lot worse". Start being thankful for things that you don't normally think of being thankful for. Just because you can't see the things that you should be thankful for doesn't mean they aren't there. When you start being thankful for things that you wouldn't normally think of, things will start changing for you. You will begin to complain less if you have this problem. When you are around them people that love to complain, maybe you will be the light in that conversation and say something positive when they are in the dark.
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