Don't Let The Enemy In
When people are trying to change themselves for the better, the enemy (devil) will always try to find a way to ruin their joy, success, marriage, relationship with God, their children or any other way the enemy can try to get in, he will if you let him. People that are married shouldn't be talking to the opposite sex about their marriage unless it is a counsellor because if they are talking to the opposite sex about their marriage issues, what good is that going to do for them? They should be talking to their spouse, God, a counsellor or they should approach an elder/leader at their church. It's hard sometimes to tell that someone is going to try to ruin what you are working for or have worked so hard for to achieve. So be extremely careful if you are trying to work on yourself or are just becoming better with any of these areas in your life. Many times I feel that my life is okay and going great but, then next thing I know the enemy is trying to bring me down through somebody I know or am close to. It does get to me at first but then I realize that it isn't the actual person doing this behaviour, it is the devil working through them. So, I do not allow this to bother me as long as I used to when I was the old person before I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. When I was the old person I would dwell on this for days. I would think why are they doing this to me? Can you believe them? Did you hear what they said? That stole my joy at the time and took over my mind. I no longer allow this any more because it is unhealthy and isn't worth even trying to figure out any longer. It's better for me now, to remain calm, pray for this person and do some reading. Sometimes, I may have to put some uplifting music on also which helps. People that aren't trying to change themselves for the better and think they're life is just fine are the ones that are going to have a problem with the way you are trying to change yourself for the better. It may make them feel uncomfortable because they don't want change. Don't let the enemy in!
(NLT) 1 Peter 5:8-9, Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9, Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.
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