Even when our life feels like a mess we have to change our beliefs. We have to know that we just in a storm right now and it will pass. God has something better for us we just have to stay strong through the storm and remain the new person we are now rather than falling back into old patterns. We will overcome our habits that we may have that we can't just get rid of at this time. Just know that just because you are going through a difficult time and may still have habits you haven't gotten rid of just yet, as a spiritual being you are not at all who you were before you gave your life to Christ. Many of us after we give our life to Christ think we have to do everything perfect or else. It is a process and a new lifestyle you will be experiencing and you will be just fine as long as you think better about yourself. You have been given a new nature when you gave your life to Christ. You are a valuable child of God, regardless of your false beliefs or habits that you still need to change.
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