Our Words Are Important
So, did you know how important and powerful our Words are? I never thought of this but just recently, a mature Christian woman pointed this out to me. Our Words have a huge affect on how we feel and act. We should not say negative words because what happens when we do? We end up behaving in a negative way and we begin complaining or whining all of the time to people then we just get so used to speaking this way this is what we will do all of the time. It's hard to have a good day when you are negative all day. I know from experience. It is very difficult because this is what I have been used to and this is how many people in my life have been so when I am around them sometimes I struggle with remaining in a positive attitude. I have to pray for strength to remain in a positive mood before I get together with these people. I love them all as I should of course. But, for my sanity and my ongoing changing of myself I must not allow the enemy (other's negativity) inside of me and now I have learned that I must not speak some of the words I have spoken in order to stay happy and positive. Words can have a tremendous impact on children at home this is another reason why we should choose our Words wisely. People don't forget horrible, "in the moment" Words. Kids remember a lot more than what we may think so, use the encouraging Words, loving Words, only good Words. If you feel so angry and irritated leave the room and pray out loud until you feel better instead of saying Words that you will later regret. Words heal us or make us sick. Words bless us or curse us.
Jesus said, (NKJV) Matthew 12:37- "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
Our Words we speak is what makes us who we are today.
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