Tuesday 26 May 2015

Keep Moving Forward

Yesterday I wrote about people being judgmental. I didn't want to come across sad by writing what I wrote. I was just speaking of my current experience. I know there are others that may be experiencing the same type of situations and I want everybody to know no matter where you came from in life, no matter what anybody says about you, no matter how you feel at the moment, God loves you regardless. You are a child of God and you are worthy. It does not matter how you are feeling inside. As hard as it is, it is important not to follow your feelings, don't let them control you and your actions. If you are having any type of negative feelings inside such as sadness, depression, anger, worthless, weary or any other type of feeling that does not make you feel very good on the inside, it is not from God! Them bad feelings are from the enemy! The enemy wants you to feel worthless and keep your head down at all times. The enemy wants you to be alone; the enemy wants you to be the old person because he doesn't like when people move forward with their lives and get close to God. Keep moving forward!
Don't listen to anybody that doubts you. Don't let any of their negativity get inside of you. Some people say things to others to stop them from succeeding or stop them from what they are being called to do by God. People have a hard time changing and sometimes they have a difficult time seeing others that are close to them change. Why? They are comfortable with the way things are and because they have no intention on changing they feel everybody around them should remain the same also. Do you know what I say to this? Keep moving forward!

Romans 12:2 (NIT)
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good pleasing and perfect will.

Proverbs 24:20 (NIT)
Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company;
for their hearts plot violence, 
and their lips talk about making trouble.

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