Monday 9 February 2015

Enjoy Your Day

Why is it that so many people wait until they find out that they are dying to change how they are living? Why does it take them to hear this to now want to see people they have had bitterness toward all these years? How come they wait until now to want God in their life? I do not have the answers to these questions but I have wondered about this at times. I will not try to figure it out either. I have come to a decision that I must keep working on myself and allowing God to lead me in everything I shall be doing. When I fall, I need to get back up. When I feel sad, I need to read some scripture, I need to listen to Christian music. I need to speak to God about how I feel and ask Him for strength to get through that day. When I feel bitter toward anybody I need to pray about it right away because I am aware that is no way to live. That is a negative way to be. I need to either forgive that person if I feel they did something wrong to me or I just need to get over myself and smile instead. 
I know it is so unfair to God that sometimes He is put on the back burner until we are stuck. Some don't acknowledge Him until they are dying (probably because they know they were putting Him on the back burner). If I would had never accepted Jesus into my heart I'm sure I could have easily became one of them people but, I'm happy that I came to Him and I know He is always by my side. It's amazing how unconditional His love is! It's amazing how forgiving He is! We all need to be this way! We have to put our feelings aside and love more.
None of us know when our last day on Earth is. Why don't we just live how we are supposed to and be happy? We should help people that need help that aren't getting help from anybody? We are still here on Earth because God has a purpose for us. He wants us to do things for others. He wants us to encourage others, build them up (even if we aren't feeling the best ourselves), He wants us to tell others about Him. I am so grateful that I am changing each day by the grace of God. I am thankful that I know what to do now when any negative spirit comes inside of me. I am not perfect nor, will I ever be but, I have the best tool there is now and suggest it to anybody that wants to begin changing themselves also....THE BIBLE.... The best book to help anybody with anything! So next time somebody irks you the wrong way or, something else starts to bug you, try to remember that we are never promised tomorrow and we should, take a breath, remain calm and ENJOY OUR DAY!

Matthew 6:14-15 (KJV)
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will forgive you: 15, But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

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