Monday 23 February 2015

Keeping Quiet

You are probably wondering what type of title this is for my post today. I thought I should write about keeping quiet because all too often some of us need to learn to do this rather then reacting all of the time. So many times I have said things that I shouldn't have said just because I didn't think before I spoke or it was in the heated moment. I am now learning that it is always better to keep quiet and pray rather then giving my 2 cents. I sometimes have this habit with my husband that when he says something that got under my skin or something that maybe he shouldn't have said, I would say something sarcastic or degrading to him. Why was I doing this? I know I am human, that is no excuse. My responsibility as his wife is to encourage him and say kind words to him. Being sarcastic or saying something rude to him only makes him feel discouraged, angry, insecure or any of negative way I don't want him to feel. I want him happy, confident and energized to do anything he can. I now am practicing keeping quiet instead. I need to keep comments to myself if one comes into my head, unless it's a positive one of course. It's not about who's right or who's wrong. It's about being a good wife and a good person. I have to realize when my husband is telling me something it's not because he is asking for advice from me. He is just telling me something! 

Proverbs 21:9 (Amplified)

9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop [on the flat oriental roof, exposed to all kinds of weather] than in a house shared with a nagging, quarrelsome, and faultfinding woman.

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